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What is REDs (or REDs)?
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REDs (or RED-S), short for Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport, refers to a condition where there the body doesn't get enough energy to meet the demands of exercise on top of essential daily functions such as growth, respiration, and digestion. Regardless of how this imbalance occurs (see "What causes REDs? below"), it can lead to severe and long-lasting health problems. These can include reduced bone density, impaired reproductive function, suppressed immune system, impaired cognitive function, depression, and anxiety. Athletes, specifically, face a increased risk of injury, prolonged recovery, and a decline in performance.

Who is at risk?
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What causes REDs?
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What are the signs and symptoms?
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What is the difference between REDs and the Female Athlete Triad?
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Is there a difference between REDs and Overtraining Syndrome?
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